Sunday, April 20, 2008

The stalker

Well, I have a stalker. It is kinda strange because I have always been the one who stalks so, I do not know how to act. Here is the story.

M-F I pick my son up at the bus stop nearby by our house. For the past 2 weeks there is this guy that stops by and chats. At first it was nothing abnormal because people chat and take pictures of us a lot. But, things started getting creepy when he shows up at my house, uninvited and brings me flowers. Then later that day he meets me at the bus stop and says "tell me when your husband is not home and I'll come over." Then he gives me a hat. Well, come on....a hat. At least some diamonds. ha ha Up until now I have been "nice" about the situation, trying not to cause ripples, being a foreigner and all. But, now I must be harsh because he has crossed the line. Does anyone have any advice?

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Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?