Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just saying....

Today, I am feeling pretty good. Let's pray I stay that way. My husband has been working for 3 days (no sleep) on some new business adventure. Him not sleeping for days is really nothing new, he does it when it is needed. I on the other hand, require sleep to live. I guess being borderline it causes me to be really bitchy if I do not get sleep. At the same time when I travel, abroad, the flights are usually all night and I get no sleep but I handle it well. I guess because it is usually just my small son and I traveling so I have to be alert to take care of him and get the car, hotel and food.

Change the subject. My husband has had a vasectomy (4 yrs ago) and now we are talking about having more children. He is thinking in another 2 yrs. Me, I am thinking now. Every month I pray it failed and I am pregnant. I get all excited when my body even remotely acts like it might be pregnant. It is to the point, that I have picked out a name (I just know it will be a girl!). I know this is crazy but I pray for it everyday. I think the reason I want a baby is it will occupy my time. I know that I have one son but, he goes to school and has his own things he likes to do.

Speaking of son and things to do. He is a mischievous thing. He is also, ADHD with an IQ of 125. So, when he does something it is dangerous. Yesterday, I kept smelling something when I walked through the hall by his room. I decided to check it out. I opened his bathroom door and was knocked over by the smell. He went stinky in a bucket (here you use a bucket to help in showering). I thought I was going to die! As of late, he has been acting out more and more. I do not know what to do. I take him to a shrink and it is helping some. Any advice?

1 comment:

jennifer said...

I can't live without sleep at all. If I don't get at least 6 hours of sleep a night I'm horrible all day.

I understand the frustration on the baby thing. My husband and I are pretty sure we can't have kids. He's been tested & has a super-low sperm count, and I think I have problems too, but that doesn't stop me from hoping and praying every month that I'll end up pregnant. It's a huge disappointment every month when my period starts.

Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?