Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Monster in Law

My mother in law.....What can I say. When I first met her I loved her but after 4 yrs of marriage I have seen the true woman. Everything was fine until we got ready to move to India. We made an agreement that all the new things in our house my bother in law could have for a mere $2,000, that is everything except our TV. Here is 15 months later and I still have yet to see that money. Anyway, she was storing some clearly labeled boxes for me. These were my new and very expensive winter clothes. After we where here for about 8 months I asked her to send my boxes to my cousin. Well, a few days later she says she accidentally gave my stuff away. Pissed me off. Later, I found out that she gave it all to my sister in law, who I HATE as well. I also, found out that my bother in law has our TV. So, I am steamed! But, got to be nice to her. I could puke. But, the worst part is she went through my personal documents and found out that I gave a baby up for adoption. Instead of asking me about it she come 1/2 way around the world to ask my husband if he trusts me. You know she lies, is two faced and she eats a lot. She makes me sick!!!! Does anyone else have this problem with a monster in law?

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Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?