Monday, May 19, 2008

Medication change

On Friday I wrote about my obsessive thoughts what I did not write about is the medication change that the doctor did. He doubled one medicine and added another. To me at first this seemed fine, I was just tired more, a lot more. But, then I noticed that people were not calling me or talking to me anymore. My friend, who I like a lot, stopped taking my calls. My husband barely talked to me. So, I began to tapper off the new medicine because I feared it might be really effecting me. Finally, I asked them what was up and they said that I seemed to have lost all my personality, I was dry. So, I was glad that I tapered the medication, under doctor supervision of coarse. I guess what I am trying to say is that it shocks me that the doctor seemed fine with the medicated me but others did not. Especially me. I am glad to be back to the old me.

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Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?