Monday, May 26, 2008


My mom is making me crazy again. What the hell is her deal. When she called to tell me about my grandma she said "I just called to tell you about her and you were the last on the list of people to call." Last on the list? I do a lot for them and I am last!? But, why say that? She just does that crap to push my buttons. So, I have not been calling her. Well, last night I had to. I was trying to reach my niece. When she answered I asked quickly if she was there she said no then I thanked her and hung up. Next, my son wanted to talk to my mom so I let him call her. I had him say sorry for me being short, I did not mean it. Anyway, she told him she thought I was acting like I always do. Stupid &%#@!. When she visited, my son asked her why she was so mean to me when I was a kid and she replied that I was mean to her. Some people just love to stir the pot.

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Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?