Thursday, May 8, 2008

7 day count down....

Did you ever know a woman that was confident 3 weeks out of the month then on the 4 week she was nuts and the cycle repeats every month? That is me. On the first day of the 7 day count down to my period I get enraged about everything not to mention crazy. My husband avoids me because I get moody and say things that are not nice. This month I yelled at a rickshaw driver, pissed my husband off to no end and yelled at my friend. And there is still 2 days left. I try to control myself but it just comes out anyway. I am working out everyday to try to relieve some of the stress but nothing helps. Some months I spend insane amounts of money and what makes that worse is I have nothing to show for it. I know it is sad to see a grown woman stomp her feet and yell. It has only not happened one time, this was a few months ago and I have tried to repeat it but no luck. Any advice?

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Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?