Thursday, May 1, 2008


For the past few days I have been a little bitchy but, I have noticed it and talked to my therapist about it. We concluded that it is the lack of sex. My husband and I have been on different schedules for about the past 6 weeks and it is effecting our sex life. So, anyway, yesterday my husband asked me to get him a snack out of the snack basket. Then he went on to say that someone spilled cookies in the bottom of it. I lost it. I do not know why, but I lost it. I said "Yeah I did it and I guess I am too stupid to know better!" Then I rolled my eyes and walked away. I did not do it but.....I do not know. Crazy. Anyway, he got up and said "I do not know why you have been acting this way but I am not going to take it!" Then we just sat down and relaxed.

I am going to the gym to try to offset the frustration but I guess it is not working. Any suggestions?

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Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?