Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My day as an American

The day started off slow, but, then started to pick up. So, I was relaxed and happy to be alive. Until, I went to the bus stop top pick up my son. I was standing there, just waiting, when an older man came up and asked me what my country was. I smiled brightly and said "US". Then the bastard spit on me. Can you believe that. I am asked, often, what country I come from but have never gotten a reaction like that.

It took all my will power not to punch him in the mouth. My day went down hill from there.

Just a little piece of my day.

Monday, March 24, 2008

March 24, 2008

As you know my husband and I own a company in a foreign country. He allowed his assistant to pick out some gifts for her and her family for being so nice to my in laws when they came to visit. His assistant picked out makeup for her and her sister. When I got the gifts in, I freaked because a man does not give makeup to any woman unless he is sleeping with her. I know he is not but still.....

Let me give you a little background. His assistant, M, used to work for me. She helped me out around the house and deal with emotional issues that I had. Then when my husband, R, needed help in the office we got her to step in. But, she still does work for me. Now, she treats me like a mental patient. She talks to me like I am slow and then she half ass does what I ask her to do. Like, I need a light bulb in the kitchen replaced and she has yet, after 2 weeks, gotten anyone. Yet, she tells me to wait at home that they are coming. Stupid Bitch! She drives me insane.

So now do you see why I hate her and find it inappropriate for her to choose makeup as a gift from us. I feel like going and breaking the makeup.

The good news is that I am currently trying to find someone to replace her.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


I would like to introduce myself but because I am going to be totally honest here, I am not going to give my name. Please understand, because my family won't. So, I am 30 yrs old, married and have a son. I live in a foreign country that is light years behind the rest of the world. I am suffer from borderline, bipolar and an eating disorder. But, if people do not hear that I have these disorders then they usually think I am normal. So, over time I will allow you to get to know me like no one else ever has. You can read about my everyday problems and, if you like, give some much needed advice.

Do you think with the right treatment that BPD is "curable"?